Juried Shows and Exhibitions
Karlene Kay Ryan – Art Showings
River Parkway Art Contribution: 1999 to 2010
COMMISSION PAINTING: for St. Agnes Hospital 2002
FRESNO CITY HALL: Exhibition: 2006
PIERRE DEUX: Carmel, CA: Invitational: 2008
LE BEAU SOLEIL GALLERY: Pacific Grove, CA: 2008
COMMISSION PAINTING: Valley Children’s Hospital, 2013
Karlene Kay Ryan – Juried Shows
MBPAPA SHOW: Pacific Grove, CA 2008 and Quail Lodge, Carmel Valley, CA, 2009,
Celebrate Agriculture, 2001:
Circle Gallery: Third Place
SWA, April, 2002, Honorable Mention,
ACA, April, 2002, Best of Show ACA Spring Show 2006: Best of Show
MBPAPA SHOW: Pacific Grove, CA 2011-Artist’s Award
Napa Valley Art and Music Festival: 2011:
Invitational Paint Out in San Juan Baptista: August, 2013
Karlene Kay Ryan retains membership:
ACA: Alliance of California Artists
SWA: Society of Western Artists
MBPAPA: Monterey Bay Plein Air Painters Association:
Fresno Art�s Council
Fresno Museum of Art
Monterey Museum of Art
Carmel Art Association:
American Impressionist Society:
The California Art Club